The Battle Documents

Above:An ancient map of the walled town of Le Quesnoy showing the layoutVia Richard Stowers

Above: This is an aerial photograph taken of the town during he actual battle by an aircraft of No. 59 Squadron, Royal Air Force. This example was mounted and has been signed by all the Allied Generals involved in the battle. It resides in the Army Museum at Waiouru and thisis a photo of the photo, provided by Richard Stowers.

Above: A closer look at the the aerial photo above, provided by Richard Stowers

Above: A letter penned to a young kiwi girl by a New Zealand soldier from Le Quesnoy just afetr the battle. Via Richard Stowers
- The Official History of the New Zealand Rifle Brigade" by Austin can be ordered via any New Zealand library or you can read it online here. it gives a good account of the Battle of Le Quesnoy
- For a more recent view look at the articles in the recent book on the 90th Anniversary Conference in 2008, produced by Nathalie Philip, "The Great Adventure Ends". This will give a good insight to then and now.